About Us

Transforming knowledge into strategic action.

Infocom Intelligence is offering advices in strategy, finance, management of innovation, strategic information, advices in international commerce, and content for e-learning.  The firm has some contributors who are PhD in administration and in Engineering. They possess several years in strategic consulting, innovation management, investments, corporate finance and teaching. Our management holds a vast network of experts in innovation management, finance, strategy, academics, entrepreneurs, and managers from non-business organizations.
Contribute to the corporate value creation of our customers by improving their decision-making process with our critical and constructive analysis. Support our clients in the selection of the best strategic, technological or financial option, with a holistic perspective of the firm. We make the connection between useful academic perspectives with practical advices.

Business Practices

Strategic Information, Technology Consulting, E-learning Solutions, International Trade

 =    Mainly firms operating in the information and communication industries,  media,  entertainment, telecom, education, investment banking and venture capital.

Strategic Consulting   = Firms in any industry

Financial Consulting   = Firms in any industry


Louis Rhéaume, M.Sc., Ph.D., Senior Partner louis@infocomintelligence.com


Phone: 514-528-6422

eFax: 815-366-3842


Mr. Rhéaume is in charge of business services, and the creation of the content for the blog Infocom Analysis.  Mr. Rhéaume has a PhD in Engineering (innovation management) from École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS) and also a scolarity of a doctorate in business administration, concentration in strategic management, innovation management and corporate finance (McGill, HEC, UQAM, Concordia). He holds a Master’s degree in finance from Concordia University and he has completed the first level of CFA. He has numerous years of experience in consulting, strategy, financial analysis and business intelligence, mainly in the telecommunications and computing industries. He has also been a researcher in the group MINE (Management of Innovation in the New Economy), where he was in charge of the area of telecommunication services. He is a researcher in innovation in the mutlimedia-IT sector at TÉLUQ for the Canadian research group Creating Digital Opportunity.  He has 8 scientific publications in innovation, strategy, finance, management and corporate training.  He is a world expert on the topic of corporate universities and ongoing training.  He is a reviewer for the Journal of Workplace Learning. He has published over 300 professional articles in newspapers and websites (La Presse, Les Affaires, Seeking Alpha, Les News, Techvibes, and Infocom Analysis ) in business, finance, management, entrepreneurship, technology  and innovation management. He provides e-learning courses for TÉLUQ, Champlain College and soon for Magisterly.

Mr. Rhéaume has consulted in telecommunications, performance indicators of ITC, computing, IT security issues, video games, insurance and airlines. He has published on mergers and acquisitions, ICT business models in strategic management, and corporate universities. He is also an adjunct faculty at the Télé-Université and Champlain College, where he teaches finance, accounting, management, entrepreneurship, knowledge management and creativity management.  He is a lecturer at ÉTS in innovation management, creativity management and finance. The PhD thesis was on innovation management and ongoing training: corporate universities. 3 scientific articles related to the thesis have been published in good journals.



Infocom Analysis (www.infocomanalysis.com).

Google Scholar Profile https://scholar.google.ca/citations?user=B1eQh_8AAAAJ&hl=en

Mirtha Gomez, B.A., Partner, mirtha@infocomintelligence.com

Mrs. Gomez is in charge of marketing, sales and administration at Infocom Intelligence. Mirtha Gomez has a major in business and accounting from the Asuncion University in Paraguay.  She has more than 10 years of experience in the banking and services sector in many firms in Paraguay.  She has many skills in marketing, sales and finance.  She was involved as a volunteer for a World Young Leaders association.

Jad Bitar, MBA, Contributor, jab@infocomintelligence.com

Mr. Bitar has the scolarity of a doctorate in business administration, with a major in strategic management and innovation management at the HEC Montréal. His research’s interests are the strategic management of innovation and the development of organizational capacities. Before his admission to the PhD program he established a company in Silicon Valley that develops integrated intelligent solutions for enterprises. Mr. Bitar has also been Director of Professional Services for eBusiness Design, a consultation firm based in the United States, where he has been in charge of multi-million dollar projects for Fortune 500 clients, such as McGraw-Hill and HealthSouth. Mr. Bitar has also been the founder of HDBM consulting, which offers strategic advice. He is a member of the board of Fair Trade Lebanon/ Les Terroirs du Liban, a not-for-profit organism devoted to the promotion of free-trade of organic products between Lebanon, North America and Europe. Mr. Bitar had been a part-time teacher at HEC where he was teaching management courses.  He is now Senior consultant at BCG for the Middle East.

Martin Spraggon, Ph.D, Contributor, martin@infocomintelligence.com

Mr. Spraggon has a doctorate in strategy management and technology management at the HEC Montréal. He holds a MBA in international marketing. He has held numerous posts in strategic management and marketing in Canada, France and Argentina. He has also been a researcher for the Chair in Technology Management at UQAM and currently is a member of the research team UQAM-Ottawa University. His project title was: “The nature and evolution of strategic alliances between large and small firms”. He was a teacher at the University of Quebec in Outaouais. He has been part-time teacher in different universities in technology management, international management, management of NTIC and marketing. His doctoral thesis project deals with the strategic innovation management within the approach of knowledge management in the software industry.  He is now an Associate professor at American University of Sharjah in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
