Innovation management:
- Evaluation of the strategic approach of innovation management for SME and large firms.
- Support in the issue of Buying, Borrowing or Building innovation.
- Strategic tool of the development of a corporate university.
- Buying innovation through a strategic merger or acquisition.
- Creation of a strong business model for a start-up.
- Redefinition of business model for SME and large firms.
- Support for the implementation of a system of systematic management of innovation project portfolios.
- Management of radical innovations with the approach of the knowledge management perspective.
- Evaluation of dynamic organizational capacities to innovate, reinforcement of these capacities.
Technological options:
- Indentification of new technology trends, creation of market reports, Infocom Analysis blog.
- Evaluation and advice on the technological projects of the firm.
Technological risks:
- Evaluation of technological risks for each project or for the all portfolio of innovation projects.
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